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Your perfect office.

Delivered on a platter.

The location you want. The design you love. The space you actually need.  

No sharing.


Let's find you your office.

One that will suit you now and later.

Our Step by Step Process


brief us


You select your favourite


You buy
or lease


We scan
the market


We design & cost a Cucumber


We build your Cucumber


We both
inspect shortlist


We manage negotiations


We help you
move in

Our process in a bit more detail

You brief us

Tell us about you and your business. What are your business needs for now and the future? What’s important to you? What personality does your brand have? What makes your staff happy? What kind of space feels good for you? Where do you want to be located? We'll probably ask you things you haven't considered. We will recommend how much space you will actually need based on your brief – to ensure there is no waste and you don’t pay more rent than you need to.

We scan the market

We’ll search for your ideal property based on what you’ve told us. We might already have a Cucumber Office for you ready to go off the shelf. Otherwise, we’ll tap into our extensive networks and find you properties that meet your needs, including some you won’t find on the internet. We provide you with a shortlist of properties we feel confident will work for you. We’re also happy to look at properties you’ve found. 

We both inspect shortlist

We inspect the properties you like from the shortlist with you. We talk you through why the property might work or not and make you aware of the pitfalls. A property might look good on the surface, but it is our role based on our expertise to ensure you are well looked after. We help you become aware of all physical and financial implications, as well as provide you with advice about the landlord and overall suitability.

You select your favourite

You’ve seen all your desired properties and we’ve discussed with you the pros and cons. Now you’re in a great position to make a decision based on all the information. You select a property you like based on usability and budget.

We design & cost a Cucumber

Our in-house architect will design and cost a Cucumber Office just for you in your favorite space. You select the Cucumber Office style you love from our range and we will tailor it to your brand and specific needs. This will be workshopped with you and your team to ensure the office delivers on everything you desire. We’ll also map out how long it will take to finalize the lease and build your new office.

We manage the negotiation

We sit down with you and the landlord or its agent to finalize lease terms between both and you. Our ambition is to get the cost of the Cucumber Office covered by the landlord and included in the lease – so your new offices require no capital outlay from your end. We endeavor to negotiate ahead of an agreement that doesn’t require endless back and forth. We look for a fair deal for both parties. 

You lease the property

Once the heads of agreement have been agreed, you start the formal lease or contract of sale negotiation with the landlord, with us and your lawyer by your side. We will both make you aware of all the risks and your obligations in the legal document. Once you are comfortable with the terms of the lease or contract of sale – you sign the lease or contract of sale. You are now legally committed to the property.

We build your Cucumber

Once the formalities have concluded we start building the fit-out. We keep you aware of the progress of the build along the way, so you can focus on your business. When the fit-out is complete your Cucumber Office is ready for you to move in and start work.

We'll help you move in

We’re happy to help you organize your move, any IT requirements or connections, stationary, and all the other things that will make your move seamless and minimize business disruption.

Tell us about your business. 

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